Friday, October 2, 2009

Just Thinking

So it's late. My schedule is so inconsistent. Story of my life. I think I started going to bed late when I was in the 5th grade. Sheesh, kind of an early start, no? It wasn't my parents' fault, though. I just felt compelled to stay up late. Even though I was in bed, I would make believe all sorts of things, letting my imagination take hold of me. I didn't fight it.

Now that I'm a sophomore in college, there are many more distractions to keep me up. This blog is only one of them.

My roommate is dumb. He's so shallow. I don't want to mention it, but he's a frat boy. That might explain some things. I'm learning a few things about the "brotherhood" and I see that as one of my only learning experiences with this new living environment; besides the fact that I have to sleep a whole three and a half feet from him. It's really hard at times and I get so damn frustrated. I know I'm not alone in feeling this.

It's better than home. Sometimes.

I'm shallow too. I'm all of the things I don't like in people. And I want to be all of the things I admire in the those who are my friends.

Here's a picture I like. Maybe you'll like it too.

I took it in NYC this past summer: One of my best summers.

Los quiero mis amigos! Los extraño!!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So it begins

Book Review:
In the Woods by Tana French
~I picked up this book in the library simply based on the cover- a coat of dark branches bleeding away from the lettering. It looked cool, why not? What an intricately, detailed, and palpable story she wove! Ms. French brings such life from her pages. The novel, in it's entirety, is grippingly delicious.

Movie Review:
Midnight Cowboy
~Terribly deep. I too wonder why Dustin Hoffman did not receive best actor for his role as Rico Rizzo. Jon Voightt did a terrific job portraying the arrogant and naive young bull, Joe Buck. We never find out what really happened to Joe Buck, but throughout the film, his flashbacks give us some idea. His short friendship with Rico gives Joe some direction but ultimately leaves him devoid of fulfillment. If you haven't seen this, see it.

Music Review:
Andrew Bird
~I simply love Andrew Bird and his music. From melodic whistleing to ravishing pizzicatos, this is music worthy of praise.