Wednesday, September 1, 2010


If you, the reader, would like to listen to the new song, I think you have to scroll all the way to the bottom and press play. I don't know why mixpod isn't working like it usually does.

So, here starts the first post of the semester.

Upon arriving to Spain, naturally, many things were going to through my head. "How can I do this?", "Can I really do this for a year", "I'm on the plane....I'm going", "I'm here, I like what?"

The night before I left for Houston, which is where I was going to take British Airlines out of the country and where I visited my brother and his family, I almost decided not to go. However, that's how things usually go. I get cold feet; I want to stay exactly where I am, in my nice little comfort zone. Thankfully, I took the plunge and walked out the door of my home in Lubbock and began the journey.

I'll skip all of my traveling stories, as most people have interesting ones, but this post is not about how things were. It's about how things are now.

I'm having a rough time right now. It's 10:05 PM on a Wednesday evening and I'm alone in the apartment waiting for my host mom and sister(s) to get home. I've been arriving late almost every day so I'm not discouraged by their absence. Also, I had a few things to eat so I'm not craving food and I'll be able to wait for dinner which will probably be in 45 minutes.

School is just shy of out of control, getting around the city is with a healing ankle (from being sprained) can sometimes be a drain, but most of all (the thing that is kind of bothering me the most) some of the students I'm here with I simply don't like.

I've listened, watched, observed, and interacted with almost everyone. It's only the 2nd week and I respect that in a lifetime, one can still not know anything about any one person, but I feel like I have a pretty good feel of how people are, at least on the surface. >If the surface of the water is covered with a layer of gunk, I'm disinterested from the get-go, no matter how cool and refreshing the water is below< What I mean by that is some people here act a certain way that discourages me from wanting to pursue their character any further.

Now comes the interesting part, at least to me.

I kind of isolate myself, not excessively, but to the extent where some think I am totally not who I am. They may think I'm rude, or a recluse. Whatever, I don't care. But I actually do, or I wouldn't be writing this.

Yes, I do think a lot of the students studying abroad here from Tech lack substance and are in serious denial of what can really be important right now in our youth.

So what if I don't go to the beach in Cádiz or Lagos? I have my own priorities, my own wishes, and because I say no, it doesn't mean I don't want to be with the group. It can mean that I'm going to be here a little longer than most and I don't feel obligated to do some things. "But Gabe, you can't go in the Spring, they don't offer..blah..blah.........." Instead, I'd enjoy walking around, taking photos, getting lost, and finding my way in the place I'm going to live for a little over 8 months.

I won't go on.
Key points are:
-I don't like some of the people here.
- I'm fine with not liking some people here and them not liking me.
- I really like being in Spain
- I love Spanish
- I'm tired of typing so I'm going to end this post and besides, mom and sis are home- more food, yess, but in moderation.

more later,



Anonymous said...

Hey Gabe, I'm happy to see that you're updating again :)
In terms of your peers, I know exactly how you feel. When I went to Costa Rica, I felt like everyone else there was only interested in going to bars and drinking, something I didn't like. I felt pressured into going and horrible for staying home night after night. I wasn't as confident then as I am now, but I came to realize that I actually enjoyed staying home, reading outside in the garden, and talking to my host family, whereas when I went to the bars, I felt awkward and uncomfortable. Eventually, I met someone who didn't like to go out as well, and we ended up having a blast together. I didn't really meet her until I was two weeks in, but once I did, I had a really good time.

So my advice would be, do what YOU want to do. Walk around, take photos, and get lost. Be around your classmates only if you want to and don't worry about whether or not you like them. You have NO obligation to be around them. This is your experience.

And good luck :)

Folashade said...

GABE! So cool to hear about Spain. I'm always so interested to hear about abroad experiences because I've never been out of the country. My mom always tells me not to worry because I'm young. Anyway I hope that everything is well with you and continues to be. Spain how exciting!!

heather garcia said...

Hey Gabe, WOW!!!! i love the blogg! :) it was like a short was imagining it in my head the whole time i read..and of course i cried..lwol..the music went perfect with it..(sigh) gabe i had no idea you were so far away. Your all alone..and people there are rude to you..ugh makes me angry to think of how they treat you :( Gabe if i would have known you were leaving for a long time, we could've had that lunch :( well im excited for you, i requested you on FB, so hopefully we can stay in touch..awww im starting to cry..i know im a i hope to ttys.. goodnite :D